General Acoustics

About us…
General Acoustics is a leading edge technology producer of special echo-sounders, water level and wave sensors as well as flow measuring systems.
The company, an off-shoot of a university specialist acoustic and sensor technology research team, was founded in 1996 by physicists and engineers and is now located in Kiel, the famous harbour in northern Germany.
The company has since established a global network of distributors for its products in more than 60 countries. Numerous GA systems and applications are installed and operating throughout all continents.
GA is producer of unique ultrasonic level gauge and wave measurement systems for laboratory and outdoor applications. The capability to measure dynamic water surfaces with high resolution enables different applications for ship model basins, simulation facilities – hydraulic laboratories, water resources management, harbour-, river- and coastal management, coastal defence, hydrography, oil-and gas industry. International patents for key technology and related software have been applied for by GA.
Well known products are the tide and wave gauge LOG_aLevel® (test winner RIZA 05) and the UltraLab systems for wave measurement in hydraulic laboratories. The new SUBPRO 1210 Sub Bottom Profiler solves the limitations of existing device by a good penetration and a high resolution starting at 1.5 m shallow water.