Next week we are visiting Oceanology International 2022 in London. We are looking forward to meet with many of the General Acoustics Network Distributors and other leading maritime technology companies.
General Acoustics invites researchers, scientists and students in Europe to send project proposals involving the use of an UltraLab ULS Advanced measurement system. General Acoustics will evaluate the project proposals and the winner will receive a fully...
Here are some pictures of the wave action at the SINTEF facilities in Norway, where we collected very nice data of very steep and breaking waves using the General Acoustics e.K. ULS Advanced wave height measurement system.
Our nomination in the 2018 Technology Innovator Awards of the CV Magazine has been successful! General Acoustics e.K. has been awarded as “recognised leaders in remote sensing technology 2018 & best echo-sounder producers 2018” “These...
Christian and Jörg from General Acoustics participate in the race “Ralley-Dresden-Dakar-Banjul 2018“. A convoy of 60 cars will travel a distance of about 7000km (~ 4350 miles) crossing 7 countries to reach Banjul in Gambia. At the destination...